Sunday, October 28, 2012

Infomational Box

Tips On Langston Hughes
1) Hughes was raised by his Grandmother most of the time, who told him inportant stories about the past which influnces his writing
2) Hughes' father was determined to make his son an enginneer, and Hughes went to  Colmbiua for awhile, before leaving due to racial slurs and a long to write again
3) Gratutaing fromcollege in 1929, one of his fellow graduates was a Supreme Court member
4) Hughes was curiuos enough about a Communitist Party that he was accused a member, but never signed up.
5) Hughes died at 65 in 1976, his ashed buried in a black memorial.

Infor from:

Tips on Cesear Chavez
1) Ceser was born in Arizona
2) Ceser was a farmworker before he decided to do something about how badly people were being treated
3) Chavez had won many rights for people by the time he died, he was an honorable man
4)  Ceser's story helps proves nowdays that one person can change something
5) He became a full time farmworker after 8th grade

Mr. Chavez's Pictures of his lifetime

My Poem (My work and Pride!)

Treated unkindly,
bruised and beaten,
the farmworker's dignity
was rudely eaten
"Obstacles [in the filed] couldnot be overcome"

No one would listen
ran over the strike
a desprete calling
for something they allwould like
turned high to a boycott
the workers sought
get what the farmwokers like
"Helpthe farmworkers by not buying grapes!"

refusing to listen
refusing to heed
the growers saw
right through the farmworkers need
"They cut the pay rates"

Violence was talked of
much to Chavez's dismay
it seemed to him
like a fast was the only way
"Chavez placed the hardest demands on himself than others"

The year of 1968
"he fasted (the first of many) to
recommit the movement of nonviolence"
the fast worked well
and slowed the farmworkers hate

it all paid off
and they won
worth all the work they've done
 "Chavez  thought the end of his strike wouldnot be in his lifetime"
No more working unfairly,
no more of a mime!!!!

My Paragraphs

Question: Why did the workers finally boycott?

Answer: The works felt like it was neccesary to boycott because the growers of the fields did not notice them at all. They ignored the strike, and simply hired new workers to complete the job the protesters striked about.It took a while to convince the newworkers to strike alongside them. Why would you apply for the job if two workers have striked against it? The need for a boycoot, something bigger, escalated.

Question: What role did Martian Luther King have on the boycott?

Answer: Martian Luther King, Jr, played quite an importnat role in the striker's boycott, being the modeling influnce of Senor Chavez's strike for nonviolence. Even when everyone itched for a violent strike, Cesear used MLK Jr's infulunce to straighten them out into peace again. Though there was a need for an important fast.

My Langston Hughes\Jim Crow essay.y releate how...?

How do you define unjust? Would having a different bathroom than whites count? What about sitting in colored seats at the back of the bus-and giving up your seat for a white passenger who came a bit late? How does that sound to you? The poem written by Langston Hughes may have reflected upon the dark time where Jim Crow ruled the towns-twisting the ways of life into a biased world. Reading through the lines of Langston’s poem may have implied something about this time.

To begin, during the time of Jim Crow, death was apparent even in a nonviolent revolution. What if Langston Hughes was writing about a deceased loved one, dating back into the Jim Crow’s time. "Even in a nonviolent revolution by blacks, police officials took the "non" from the "nonviolent revolution" and killed people anyway." The poem could have showed that officials in Jim Crow’s time didn’t care for the blacks at all. "Liberty is a word that makes me want to cry" a quote from Langston’s poem himself. Could this mean something about the troubles and brutal torture in Jim Crow’s time?

Adding on to this, whatever happened to liberty? I would never call Jim Crow’s time the peak of liberty for blacks-never. Blacks were being treated unlawfully during this time, and how were they punished for breaking a policy? Most the time it ended in death! "A fourteen year old son whistled or spoke to a white man’s white wife. He died." Can you imagine the mother’s horror? Can you imagine being beaten to death after you bought silly purchase of candy? A child’s death is every mother’s worst nightmare-it doesn’t even matter if they are black or white.

As well, everything in the time of Jim Crow was segregated. Blacks and whites were buried away from each other, blacks now overgrown with woods probably purposely planted, while white cemeteries were neatly trimmed and "more valuable" Langston Hughes doesn’t think that way! He understands about many things about this bad Jim Crow time and it states that in his poem. "Words like liberty want to make me cry. If you knew what I had known, you would know why" I wonder what time of injustice stirred this poem up in Langston Hughes.

Did you learn something? Then, this essay’s work is done here. In most ways it would be horrible for Jim Crow’s officials to still be here, but what if I could make a difference? Maybe this essay would have helped things move along to the greater for the blacks-but if it didn’t, we’d be in trouble, wouldn’t we?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes Poem
Oh, wonderful, deep poem: "There are words like freedom that makes me want to cry" What does that mean? I think it means he knows that freedom isn't free. "Sweet and wonderful to say" Well, that pretty much argues against what I infered. Maybe it means he likes freedom? "oh my heart-strings freedom sings" I think freedom sings deep within him, perhaps. "all day everyday" He has learned not to take freedom for granted.
Paragraph two: "there are words like liberty that almost makes me cry." he knows liberty is nonexistant in some places, however thrives in others. "That almost makes me cry" He is sad about this? "If you had known what he had known, you would know why" He has suffered some pain before.
This poem is known for it's many ways to interprete it.

The telltale heart

The Telltale Heart
Let's find out more about The Telltale Heart, shall we? The Telltale heart is about a madman who happens to live in close quarters with a pleasent old man...One with an odd sheet of film over one eye, the eye of a vulture! The eye drvives this madman (or madwoman...?) insane bit by bit, until one day he must get  rid of it! Waiting patiently for a whole week before striking at the man, he was never kinder. After the kill, nicely buried with no evidance, a shriek has brought the police running. What is that beating...Beating? Is that his heart, still beating  "like a watch envolped in cotton?" Indeed it is! The madperson goes crazy after a long time of chatting harmlessly, before he realizes the police are taunting him. He screams his guilt...And the book ends? 

Title page

We have been busy in English this year, as close as we are to the beginning of my 8th grade year. We have read many stories already, some scarier like The Telltale Heart and some very touching, the Langston Hughes poem. Want to find out more? Keep reading.